Better Way
About our events
Our programme for 2025 will include variety of online events to explore Better Way thinking (including our principles and behaviour model) and how this thinking can be applied in different ways to tackle some of the big challenges we face. New events will be posted soon.
For those new to the network, you might like to join a drop-in session, as this is a really good way to get to know us, and meet some great people in the process!
We will also hold one-off roundtables and bi-Annual Gatherings.
These events are open to new and existing Better Way members from across the country. All meetings are online unless otherwise stated. If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out our booking forms in each event or get in touch via our contact page.
Forthcoming Events
Filter by cell: Putting relationships first / Sharing and building power / Listening to each other / Joining forces
Filter by event type: fortnightly drop-in sessions / roundtables