Prison release, homelessness and health
A Better Way Members, Sharon Collins and Patrick Fowler have recently been commissioned by NHS England to deliver a review of the housing pathway from prison across the Hampshire and the Isle of Wight footprint (including Portsmouth and Southampton) in response to growing system concerns about the housing outcomes for people leaving custody into homelessness and no fixed abode (NFA), particularly those with needs relating to mental ill health/substance use.
As part of A Better Way’s aims to facilitate greater relationships and support joining forces within and across sectors, on Thursday 13 March 2025 between 10am-12noon we are hosting a joint meeting with Sharon and Pat to share the aims of the project, learn from existing best practice to inform its delivery and to understand how this project can contribute to other people’s work and to “A Bigger We”
With a background in social housing, supported housing and homelessness, Sharon and Pat joined forces 10 years ago as independent systems convenors, bringing together public and third sector resources using the home as a lens to shared and common problems. Working in the muddy middle between organisations and sectors they are skilled at working independently of systems yet position themselves as an integral part of it rebuilding interagency trust by weaving new ways of working into the fabric of strategic and day-to-day operations, creating advocacy and agency for change at all levels of leadership with the overriding aim of keeping people safe and well at home.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Joining forces for place-based health and wellbeing – A Better Way in partnership with NHS England, the UK Community Foundations Network and Place Matters
Through A Better Way member Bethany Golding, we have been working with NHS England’s People and Communities Division in various guises to support greater relationship building and joining of forces between Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and local place-based partners to improve their community engagement and enhance health and wellbeing.
Following our learning partner report from recent work with 16 ICB’s who were taking action to improve their community engagement, on Tuesday 1 April between 10.00-11.30am we are excited to be holding a joint meeting with NHS England, Place Matters and the UK Community Foundations Network to discuss place-based health and wellbeing collaborations and to learn more about the role that UK Community Foundations can play as a bridging organisation between ICB’s, place-based philanthropists, local voluntary and community sector groups and local people.
UK Community Foundations are charitable grant-making organisations that develop socially focused funds from place-based philanthropy that support individuals, voluntary groups and local organisations to make a difference in their local community. There are 47 Community Foundations across the UK, distributing over £170m of funding annually of which c60% is related to health and wellbeing.
Place Matters works in partnership with organisations and communities to accelerate the conditions and capabilities for effective community-centred place-based change. The place-based work that they support tackles the wider causes of inequality and social injustice in communities, addressing multiple barriers faced by those dealing with poverty, exclusion and disadvantage.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Better Way annual conference
Save the Date
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out our booking form below or contact info@betterway.network
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

A Better Way and the #DoWith Call to Action
A Better Way is very passionate about joining forces and finding ways to build relationships with like-minded others and has signed up to the #DoWith Call to Action. #DoWith is a growing network of people and organisations calling for a radical shift in the public sector from ‘doing to’ to ‘doing with’. Current members include Better Way Network; Caribbean & African Health Network (CAHN); Community Led Support (NDTi); DemocracyNext; Florence Nightingale Foundation; Health Creation Alliance; Healthwatch; The King’s Fund; Local Trust; Locality; NAVCA; National Voices; New Local; NHS Horizons; OUTpatients; Patients Association; Platform Places; Power to Change; Sickle Cell Society; Social Care Futures; Social Enterprise UK; TransActual; We’re Right Here
We are holding an event in partnership with #DoWith on Wednesday 26th February between 10.00-11.30am to share why we are taking part in the initiative, learn from other networks and organisations who are taking part and to discuss ideas for how the #DoWith Call to action can support you and the work you are involved in.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can register or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting 8 January 2025
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Deepening the relationship between Civil Society and Government
A Better Way has been presented with an exciting opportunity to hold an online roundtable discussion on "Deepening the relationship between Civil Society and Government" with Stephanie Peacock MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport on Monday 2nd December 1.00-2.30pm.
The discussion is a good opportunity for Better Way Members to collectively input into the new Government's thinking behind developing a more progressive relationship between Government and Civil Society as well as input into the process it is undertaking to develop a new 'Civil Society Covenant' between the sectors.
During the session we will explore in depth two key questions:
To be more progressive, what shift is needed in mindset and behaviour, on both sides?
What practical steps can be taken to build a more positive, reciprocal and enduring relationship?
To aid the discussion and to feed Better Way thinking into this agenda, in advance of the session we have prepared a draft collective response to the Civil Society Covenant Framework from the Better Way network . If you have any comments on the document, please contact Will Nicholson (willnicholson@betterway.network). We are particularly keen to hear about case studies and examples of best practice that support our thinking in these areas.
To sign up to the event, please register via the form below. NB - Due to the logistics of managing the session online, the session will be limited to 100 Better Way members and will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Engaging with communities - NHS learning partner roundtable
In October 2023, NHS England commissioned the Better Way to act as a learning partner for 16 Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) across England who were taking action to improve their community engagement.
This work has now concluded, and A Better Way has produced a learning report outlining what the ICB’s did, what they learned, and sets out ideas for what can be done to achieve more. The report is accompanied by videos and blogs, which provide a taste of the insights and energy that emerged from the ICB engagement leads and their partners during this project.
We will be holding an online roundtable on 5th November from 10.00-11.30am with Bethany Golding, the commissioner of this work from NHS England, and a number of the NHS community engagement leads, to discuss the learnings from the report and the ideas for what we might do next.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way behaviours
The Better Way behaviours: what are the behaviours all about, and how can they make a difference to our practice?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Exploring the Better Way principles
The Better Way principles: what are the principles all about, and how can they make a difference to ‘business as usual’?
This is an event for those who are new to the network and who want to explore how they can be part of a bigger movement for change.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Better Way bi-annual gathering: Building a ‘Bigger We’ though Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Despite considerable interest and lots of effort and hard work in the area of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, progress has been slow - put quite simply, we need to do more. We invite you to join us at our Bi-Annual Gathering to lean in and have an honest conversation about how we can use Better Way principles to make deeper, more radical change.
We will be joined by experts in this field Alison Navarro and Ngozi Lyn Cole who will lead us in the discussion and challenge us to think more actively about how we can build on our existing work and do more.
We will spotlight some case studies from Better Way members, learning from both successes and examples which haven't gone to plan and we will share the results of a recent member survey and findings of a member working group.
And as always there will be plenty of opportunity for participants to enter into discussion and debate, to share ideas and insights, to make valuable connections, and come away recharged and refreshed.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out our booking form below or contact info@betterway.network
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.

How should organisations and policy makers engage with ‘lived experience’?
Everyone talks about the importance of hearing people with ‘lived experience’ and we know how much wealth that brings to a conversation, project or challenge we may be tackling.
We also know there is a great deal of lived experience available, maybe a lot more than is often recognised. For example, in our recent diversity survey, over 70% of Better Way members disclosed one or more type of lived experience, for example living with mental illness, or a disability, growing up in poverty, experiencing racism or misogyny, substance abuse, domestic abuse, and so on.
It is hugely encouraging that in recent years there has been lot more attention on the value of bringing lived experience into decision-making, service design and policy formulation.
But what actually happens in practice? Are some types of lived experience valued more and others ignored? Are we making it easier for people to bring their whole selves into their working lives, and is the balance of power and control shifting? Or is this all becoming yet another tick-box exercise, providing the illusion of change, while actually further marginalising ‘other’ people.
And if that is the case, for those organisations and policy makers who really do want to make a difference, what steps could they be taking?
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place for this online meeting you can either fill out our booking form or contact us at info@betterway.network.

Drop-In Meeting
Every two weeks we hold an informal Zoom event for people in our network ‘family’ who would like to say hello, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest, and just check in with each other. It’s also a good way for people new to the network to get to know us and explore what we can offer. All meetings are Wednesday mornings from 9am to 10am.
Reserve your place
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out this booking form or use our contact page.
By submitting this form, you consent to your data being saved by A Better Way according to GDPR standards. We will only use your data for A Better Way purposes. You can opt out at any time, please just let us know.