Filtering by: “listening to each other cell”

Listening to each other cell: Learning from Scotland’s Community Empowerment Act

Listening to each other cell: Learning from Scotland’s Community Empowerment Act

Scotland’s Community Empowerment Act places a responsibility on central and local government to listen - what can we learn from the experience so far?

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Listening to each other cell: what would it take to bring participatory action research into common practice?

Listening to each other cell: what would it take to bring participatory action research into common practice?

Participatory action research – it is not hard to see benefits of involving people with lived experience as ‘citizen scientists’, but how can we make this way of working more common?

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Listening to each other cell: are Citizens Assemblies a good way to generate better solutions to tough problems?

Listening to each other cell: are Citizens Assemblies a good way to generate better solutions to tough problems?

Citizens Assemblies: are these a good way to generate better solutions to tough problems? What can we learn from experiences to date?

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Listening to each other cell: How can we listen together?

Listening to each other cell: How can we listen together?

How can we listen together? Where leaders from different organisations listen to those they serve, and work with them in a positive and motivating way to bring about changes.

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Listening to each other cell: How can we recruit the right people?

Listening to each other cell: How can we recruit the right people?

How can we recruit the right people? The people best placed to listen and to act on what they hear are most likely to come from the very communities the organisations serve.

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